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Mental Health A-Z

Better Access Program

The shortened name for the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule initiative. Under Better Access, psychiatrists, GPs and psychologists (and appropriately trained social workers and occupational therapists) provide mental health services on a fee-for-service basis subsidised through Medicare. These services offer access to short-term psychological therapies through private providers.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is an illness that results from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, which can cause episodic fluctuations of mood from extremes of mania (elevated mood which may be out of character for the person), to the depths of depression (persistent low mood).

Borderline Personality Disorder

People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) frequently experience distressing emotional states, difficulty in relating to other people, and self‑harming behaviour. Symptoms can include deep feelings of insecurity, persistent impulsiveness, and confused and contradictory feelings.

Burden of Disease

Burden of Disease is a measure used in the study of the health of a population. It is used to assess and compare the relative impact of different diseases and injuries on groups of people (populations). It quantifies the loss of health due to disease and injury that the person continues to have after treatment, rehabilitation or prevention interventions.