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Kim - When coming alongside someone is life changing

I was introduced to Flourish Australia during a very difficult time in my life. I haven’t forgotten how hard it can be to walk through a door and ask for help but that single step can lead to so much more.

Through Flourish Australia’s Healthy Relationship Group I found the courage and conviction to break free of a bad relationship and my eyes were opened to the possibility of a better life, surrounded by supportive networks. A mum to six wonderful children, my life had been all about meeting their needs and just getting by. My self esteem was at an all time low and hope was so diminished that I tried to make the relationship work at any cost.

With the peer support I received at Flourish Australia, my outlook began to change. I felt inspired to volunteer with them until an on-call casual role presented and with the encouragement of staff, this evolved into a full time role. As my career horizons expanded, so did my world view and confidence.

I’m still working through my own trauma and challenge myself daily to be boldly transparent with people about my own journey. Drawing on my own lived experience purposefully is the foundation of what I do now as a Women’s Group Facilitator and Intentional Peer Support Facilitator for Flourish Australia. By sharing my story, I connect with other women and encourage them to find their own pathway to self empowerment and live an authentic life. 

It’s important to keep an open mind and allow each person the freedom to be themselves.

My work’s greatest reward is seeing someone grow beyond their limitations to become independent and accomplish hopes and dreams they once believed were beyond them. 

These days I take responsibility for creating balance in my life between work and family commitments by maintaining healthy boundaries and setting aside ‘me time’. That way I have the resources to be there for someone else when they most need it.

Become a peer worker

We value lived experience and believe peer support is a powerful part of the mental health recovery journey. Flourish Australia are proud to have built Australia’s largest peer workforce

For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.

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