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Enjoying a COVID-safe festive season

Thanks to the work of our communities, health professionals and governments, Australia is able to look forward to a COVID-safe festive and holiday season.

For many of us, 2020 has a been a challenging year, as we’ve faced disruption to our routines and separation from our loved ones. Now we can look forward to coming together over the summer holidays, but we must all remain vigilant about following health guidelines.

Keep up to date with your local COVID-19 regulations, including how many people you can have in your home. Remember to keep washing your hands and wear a mask wherever social distancing isn’t possible. For those who are particularly vulnerable to the virus or still adjusting to more relaxed rules in Victoria, consider ways you can remain connected and involved over the holidays using technology, such as video calling.

If you’ve got doubts about your health or what you can do within current restrictions check with the federal or state health departments’ websites. You can also use this information to help others understand the importance of following social distancing so that we can continue to escape the worst impacts of the virus.

It’s also important to remember the holidays can bring their own stresses, particularly after a challenging year. It can be tempting to let down our hair or abandon healthy habits – but maintaining a routine can help keep well. If you begin to feel overwhelmed by the business of the holiday season remember there are little tasks you can do to feel a bit more in charge. Take out the rubbish, make your bed, do a quick round of laundry or cook a nourishing meal – regular jobs that give a sense of accomplishment and structure to your day.

The Flourish Australia team are here to support you too. To find out how our community can be there during the holidays and beyond contact us or call 1300 779 270.

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