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Happy families start with maternal mental health

The arrival of a baby is cause for celebration, yet 1 in 5 mothers miss that joy by some form of mental health challenge, either during their pregnancy, or within 12 months of giving birth.

The many life challenges that occur around a pregnancy can leave mums-to-be more vulnerable to mental health challenges. One thing we can all do is to let them know they are not alone.

Many mums hide what they’re going through

Commonly called ‘the baby blues’, pregnancy and giving birth can trigger confusing emotions, mood swings and difficulty sleeping. For one in five mums, symptoms are more severe, yet 7 out of 10 women affected will conceal or downplay their symptoms, due to lack of understanding, or shame, about what they are feeling.

While there is growing awareness about Postpartum Depression, illnesses such as Persistent Depressive Disorder, Anxiety, OCD and PTSD too often go undetected. Without treatment, long term complications can result for the mother, child, and family as a whole. An integrated approach to wellbeing can support them to thrive beyond the postpartum period.

Some warning signs that it’s time to ask for help

  • Being tired is part of adjusting to a newborn. Feeling hopeless all the time is not. 
  • Difficulty making decisions, such as whether to change your baby’s nappy.
  • Feeling numb and unable to enjoy your baby.

Birth Trauma should never be seen as weakness

Women from all cultural backgrounds are affected. Promptly seeking support can prevent disruption to a mother’s ability to care for, and bond with, her baby.

Flourish Australia understands that mums dealing with mental health challenges while caring for a child can require additional assistance. Our Women and Children’s Program comes alongside these families by providing supported accommodation and a place to heal, with access to free courses in parenting and other life skills needed to thrive in their community. 

What can you do?

If you are connected with a new mum, ask her how she is really feeling and encourage her to reach out for help if she is feeling overwhelmed. Visit for information about the support we can offer.

Talk to us today

For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.

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