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NDIS reforms must put recovery at heart of psychosocial care

Flourish Australia welcomes the National Disability Insurance Scheme review’s recommendations to strengthen support for people with psychosocial disabilities.

The registered provider is committed to working with the government to ensure changes to the NDIS results in better care and outcomes for all participants.

Flourish Australia CEO Mark Orr says: “Flourish Australia supports recommendations to ensure people with psychosocial disabilities receive more integrated and comprehensive care.

“Long-term recovery must be at the heart of psychosocial support plans. This requires targeted early intervention, and better coordination between the NDIS and wider health system to support people with complex needs. 

“Ensuring people have access to a Navigator, and that providers are registered, will help deliver high quality and trauma-informed plans for people with psychosocial disabilities.”

Psychosocial disabilities can occur when a mental illness inhibits someone’s ability to function. These are the third most common disability in the scheme. But they remain misunderstood and participants are left with poorer outcomes compared to people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

There are about 100,000 people in the scheme with either a primary or secondary psychosocial disability, comprising 16% of all participants. 

“Reforms to the NDIS must ensure that no one with a psychosocial disability is left behind,” Mr Orr said.

“Flourish Australia looks forward to working with the National Disability Insurance Agency and governments to ensure better outcomes for all participants, without weakening the support or care provided.”

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